Friday, April 18, 2008

From the Website

12 angry immediately mounted a protest petition campaign against George Stephanopolis, Charlie Gibson and ABC News after last Wednesday’s debate in Pennsylvania saying (they/it) “spent the first 50 minutes obsessed with distractions that only political insiders care about—verbal gaffes, polling numbers, the stale Rev. Wright story, and the old-news Bosnia story. And, channeling Karl Rove, they directed a video question to Barack Obama asking if he loves the American flag or not.” Because, according to the radical left website “”Debate moderators abuse the public trust every time they ask trivial questions about gaffes and ‘gotchas’ that only political insiders care about. Enough with the distractions—ABC and other networks must focus on issues that affect people’s daily lives.”

Insulted and InjuredOther leftist blogs and websites joined in with similar complaints. Conversely most in other in moderate, conservative and if you prefer “normal” communities did not see the debate that way; are not complaining, and in fact a majority called the 21stdebate the most productive to date. Nationwide Americans the things that is complaining about do matter to them.

A post debate Rasmussen poll released Friday had the race in the Keystone State at 47-44% Clinton over Obama. Last Monday, Clinton was leading Obama 50% to 41%. Six percent (6%) of Obama voters say there’s a good chance they could change their mind before voting. Only 2% of Clinton supporters say the same.